As web pages and applications have become increasingly complex with a globally dispersed audience, degrading the user experience, we assist with increasing web application performance. This solution includes bringing content closer to your users, caching static content on its network, optimizing image files, compressing dynamic content, routing requests to the least congested path, and much more.

Moreover, the Internet does its best to deliver your content — but it can’t account for network congestion, leading to slow load times. To tackle this, we provide a solution that uses a unique vantage point to detect real-time congestion and route web traffic across the fastest and most reliable network paths. We also offer a Load Balancing solution to improve application performance and availability by steering traffic away from unhealthy origin servers and dynamically distributing it to the most available and responsive server pools.

Lastly, we provide an enterprise-grade authoritative DNS service offers the fastest response time, unparalleled redundancy, and advanced security with built-in DDoS mitigation and DNSSEC.

